If unable to decide whether to pick an air cooler or air conditioner for commercial usage, go through its features. Each of the functionalities would give a better perspective on its efficiency and benefits for commercial space. Buying a cooling machine for residential space is slightly different from the machine's purpose in industrial space. 

How do Air Coolers work?

Air coolers or evaporative coolers work on basic cooling principles. Here, cool water and hot air combine to lower the temperature. Brize air cooler system is effectively cool down room temperature, and adding ice cubes in the cooler would enhance the effect. 

The main difference between this cooler and air conditioner is that coolers rely on motors, whereas AC machines work on compressors to give out cool air. This makes coolers more energy efficient than AC machines.  As coolers use water to control the room's temperature, it will add moisture to the space.  

Why Install Air Coolers for Workplace?

The commercial air coolers bring in a plethora of benefits for your workplace, and these are as follows:

  1. Cost-effective - This is one of the primary reasons to install an air cooler for industrial use. It is significantly more effective than AC machines in lowering the electricity cost along with its purchase rate in the market 
  2. Eco-friendly – It mainly works on ambient air-cooling mechanisms to cool an existing space. Keep windows open, irrespective of room’s size, when using this cooler as it promotes healthy air circulation 
  3. Suitable for Open Spaces - It is preferable for open spaces in commercial areas. These are portable and help maintain a cool space and increase productivity. 
  4. Easy to Maintain - When you compare this with other cooling devices, air coolers are easy to maintain. The operating costs are low, so the workplaces prefer this option over the rest. 

With these benefits from the air cooler system, installing coolers in the workplace would be easy and control the summer months. It helps promote a healthy industrial workplace with the latest cooler machines. 

Best Use of Industrial Cooler

Industrial coolers evaporate water by the hot air principle. The water vaporisation will take away the heat from the air and, in the process, cool it down. In this, the moisture level will increase, which is relative humidity. It is the mechanism that makes it more powerful than a normal exhaust machine. 

Moreover, these are useful to cool factories, sports areas, warehouses, workshops, manufacturing plants, hangars and office areas.  Other than this, gyms, large tents, garage area, marriage hall, loading docks are common to have coolers over AC machines. For an industrial cooling system, one can choose between Ductable evaporative air coolers and portable evaporative coolers. 


Is it Suitable to Choose Industrial Coolers over Air Conditioners?

People living in and around hot weather conditions require the use of a cooler for daily life. Depending on the specification, one has to choose the right cooling machine to get the best results. Some differences below will help you know which cooling system to prefer over the other one. 

Difference in Air Quality 

How does an air cooler function, and how does it impact air quality? An AC machine will circulate the ambient heat in a room, whereas a cooler will let in the fresh air and cool it. The AC will heat its surrounding air outside the room, unlike a cooler. Due to the operation of the air cooler, it can offer quality air to cool down a space. The cooler is preferable for dust sensitive people suffering from asthma problems. 

Eco-friendly Route 

Opting for the green option is always the best route, and coolers are a good choice over air conditioners. AC machines use CFC and HFC as refrigerants which are harmful to the environment. The coolers are an eco-friendly option as it will use water as refringent, unlike AC machines. 

Latest Features Make It Easy to Use 

An air cooler for industrial use is easy to operate. It comes with a host of features such as remote control, silent operation, multiple speed setups and others. The latest digital coolers have advanced features and are aesthetically pleasing to fit in the place. 

Is Ductable Industrial Evaporative Cooler Better Than Air Conditioning unit?

In an industrial plant, running traditional coolers can be expensive and ineffective at times due to high temperatures. The coolers come with large water tanks that make it easy to operate. This is why the latest models of the industrial cooling system are best for open spaces. It helps produce fresh air and maintains a better concentration of air. When planning to get one for industrial usage that increases productivity, Brize offers the best result of technology. Our range of sustainable options is reasonable to invest in and boost the air quality of industrial spaces. 

Chetan Arora